The Competition is aimed at stimulation of students to improving quality of scientific research and their practical importance. Master Degree students of the Department of Hydro-Technical and Road Construction of the Institute of Construction and Transportation Engineering of the University took part in the competition. 1st degree diploma of the competition named after L.A. Knyazkov and the monetary prize were awarded to Maria Klemina for the work “Environmental Reports in Planning of Territories Sustainable Development”. 2nd degree diploma of the competition named after L.A. Knyazkov and the monetary prize were awarded to Anna Rustamova for the work “Comparative Characteristics of International and Russian Requirements for Environmental Impact Assessment”.
The competition contributes to identifying and developing of students’ intellectual potential; attracting young researchers to participation in research works; to increasing young specialists’ awareness of sustainable development of Russia. It also gives an additional chance to participants to get noticed by potential employers and to recieve profitable job offers.